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  • Book
    Vikas Srivastava, Shakti Mehrotra, Sonal Mishra, editors.
    Summary: The book discusses the various methods and protocols available in hairy root culture-based research. The utilization of Agrobacterium mediated genetic transformation and establishment of hairy root cultures has paved the way for large-scale secondary metabolite production in medicinal plants. Presenting recent research and offering insights from eminent research groups, the book covers a range of topics related to hairy root-based applications, including (i) establishment of hairy roots and native production of SM (ii) yield enhancement strategies for increased SM production, like elicitation (iii) hairy roots as a tool for value-added applications such as plant-microbe interaction, characterization of plant genes and root biology studies. As such it is an informative guide and experimental manual for researchers in diverse fields of plant biology.

    Editors and Contributors
    Chapter 1: Hairy Roots Biotechnology Unzipped: A Journey of Reality and Promises
    1.1 Introduction
    1.2 Contribution of HRCs for Elemental Research
    1.3 Contribution of HRCs for Value Added Research
    1.4 Conclusion and Way Forward
    Chapter 2: Hairy Roots as a Source of Tropane Alkaloids
    2.1 Introduction
    2.2 Some Protocols to Enhance Production of Tropane Alkaloids in the Hairy Root Cultures of Solanaceae Family Members
    2.2.1 Datura stramonium
    2.2.2 Atropa belladonna
    2.2.3 Duboisia leichhardtii 2.3 Conclusions
    Chapter 3: Induction, Metabolite Analysis, and Transgenesis of Hairy Roots from Coleus forskohlii
    3.1 Introduction
    3.2 Protocol 1: Induction of Hairy Roots in Coleus forskohlii
    3.3 Protocol 2: Microscopic Detection of Metabolites in Hairy Roots
    3.4 Protocol 3: Detection of Key Metabolites in Roots and Hairy Root of C. forskohlii
    3.5 Protocol 4: Transgene Expression in Hairy Roots of C. forskohlii
    Chapter 4: Establishment of Hairy Roots of Endangered Himalayan Plant Swertia chirata: A Sustainable Alternative to Extraction... 4.1 Introduction
    4.2 Protocol 1: Induction and Maintenance of Hairy Roots of Swertia chirata
    4.3 Protocol 2: Detection and Quantification of Key Metabolites from Normal Roots and Hairy Roots of S. chirata
    Chapter 5: A Protocol for the Selection of Spontaneous Variants from Established Catharanthus roseus Hairy Root Cultures
    5.1 Introduction
    5.2 Materials
    5.2.1 Plant Material
    5.2.2 Culture Media Components
    5.2.3 Alkaloid Analysis
    5.2.4 General Labware, Supplies, and Equipment
    5.3 Methods
    5.3.1 Maintenance of J1/R1 Hairy Root Line in GRM/2 Medium 5.3.2 Maintenance of J1/R1 Hairy Root Line in GRM/2 Medium
    5.3.3 Induction of Cell Suspensions from Hairy Root Cultures
    5.3.4 Regeneration of Roots from the Cell Suspensions
    5.3.5 Alkaloid Analysis
    5.4 Notes
    Chapter 6: Strategies for the Optimization of Culture Conditions for Increasing Metabolite Production Through Hairy Root Cultu...
    6.1 Introduction
    6.2 Materials
    6.2.1 Plant Material
    6.2.2 Culture Media Components (See Note 1)
    6.2.3 Chemical Elicitors
    6.2.4 Alkaloid Analysis
    6.2.5 General Labware, Supplies, and Equipment
    6.3 Methods 6.3.1 Maintenance of J1/R1 Hairy Root Line in GRM/2 Medium
    6.3.2 Culture of J1/R1 Hairy Root Line in Maintenance GRM/2 Medium
    6.3.3 Elicitation of J1/R1 Hairy Root Line
    6.3.4 Alkaloid Analysis
    6.4 Notes
    Chapter 7: Protocol for Enhanced Withaferin-A Production in Elicited Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal Hairy Root Cultures
    7.1 Introduction
    7.2 Materials
    7.2.1 Media Preparation
    7.2.2 Bacterial Stock Culture
    7.2.3 Infection, Sonication, and Heat Treatment
    7.2.4 Co-cultivation and Establishment of Hairy Root Culture
    Digital Access Springer 2020