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  • Book
    Michael von Wolff, Frank Nawroth, editors.
    Summary: This practical book focuses on the most recent advances in fertility preservation in oncological and non-oncological patients. It presents the steps that need to be followed prior to treatment for successful fertility preservation, and describes in detail the medical conditions requiring fertility preservation, including precise information on the risk of fertility loss, prognosis, risk of ovarian metastasis and other possible risks. The book also provides information on how to perform the preservation techniques (success rates, risks, etc.) and on what to do after the treatment (in cases of bleeding during chemotherapy, menopause, wish to conceive, etc.). Written by experts in the field, including members of the globally known network FertiPROTEKT and leading oncologists and specialists, this practical and easy-to-use book is a valuable resource for all clinicians involved in fertility preservation for patients with specific diseases.

    Before fertility preservation: Networks for fertility preservation
    Logistics for fertility preservation counselling in adults and children
    Indication for and against fertility preservation
    How to use the book
    Fertility preservation
    diseases: Breast cancer
    Hodgkins lymphoma
    Ovarian tumors
    Cervical cancer
    Endometrial hyperplasia and endometrial carcinoma
    Pediatric oncological cancer
    Other malignancies
    Stem cell transplantation in non-malignant diseases
    severe autoimmune diseases
    Turner syndrome
    Fertility preservation
    techniques: Ovarian stimulation to collect oocytes
    Cryopreservation of unfertilized and fertilized oocytes
    Removal of ovarian tissue
    cryopreservation and storage of ovarian tissue
    Transplantation of ovarian tissue
    GnRH agonists
    Transposition of ovaries
    Cryopreservation of sperm and testicular tissue
    Further techniques
    After fertility preservation: Therapy of uterine bleeding during chemotherapy
    Infertility treatment after transplantation of ovarian tissue
    Pregnancy after chemotherapy and radiation of the pelvis
    Premature ovarian insufficiency
    Hormone replacement therapy and follow up.
    Digital Access Springer 2020