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  • Book
    Pauline Delahaye.
    Summary: This monograph is about new perspectives in animal studies methodology, by using concepts and tools from the field of semiotics. It proposes a reflexion on current challenges and issues in the ethology field, and introduces different semiotics - biosemiotics, zoosemiotics - as potential methodological solutions. The chapters cover many aspects of ethology where semiotics can be a helpful hand: studies of language, culture, cognition or emotions, issues about complex, endangered or variable species. It explains why these points are difficult to study for actual ethology, why they still matter for researchers, biodiversity actors or wildlife programs, and how an interdisciplinary study with a semiotic point of view can help understand them. This book will appeal to a wide readership, from researchers and academics in living sciences as well as in linguistics fields, to other professionals - veterinarian, wildlife managers, zookeepers, and many others - who feel the need to better understand some aspects of animals they are working with. Students with animal focus should read this book as an introduction to interdisciplinary methodology, and a proposition to work differently with animals.

    Intro; Acknowledgements; Contents; About the Author; List of Figures; List of Tables;
    Chapter 1: Introduction and Purpose; 1.1 Creation Process; 1.1.1 About the Subject; 1.1.2 About the Corpus; 1.1.3 About the Academic and Social Impact; 1.2 Why Use Semiotics in Animal Studies; 1.2.1 History of Semiotics; 1.2.2 History of Animal Studies; 1.3 Questions About Methodology; 1.3.1 Studying a Subject from Different Academic Fields; 1.3.2 Including New Corpus Categories; 1.3.3 Hypothesis, Biases and Ideologies; References;
    Chapter 2: Debates and Controversies; 2.1 Existing Controversies 2.1.1 Language2.1.2 Consciousness; 2.1.3 Emotions; 2.2 The Perspective of Humanities; 2.2.1 What Is an Animal?; 2.2.2 What Are Language Sciences For?; 2.2.3 The Specific French Academic Tradition; 2.3 Author Position; 2.3.1 The "Lesser Evil" Position; 2.3.2 About the Particular Case of Definitions; References;
    Chapter 3: Necessary and Problematic Definitions; 3.1 Necessary Definitions; 3.1.1 Emotion; 3.1.2 Consciousness; 3.1.3 Memory; 3.2 Problematic Definitions; 3.2.1 Language; 3.2.2 Emotions; 3.2.3 Intelligence; 3.2.4 Culture; References;
    Chapter 4: Semiotic Tools and Concepts 4.1 How to Pick Semiotic Tools4.1.1 Relevance; 4.1.2 Peirce's Tools; 4.1.3 Intensity, Frequency, Context; 4.2 Semiotic Concepts; 4.2.1 Intentional, Conscious, Unconscious; 4.2.2 Jakobson's Functions of Language; 4.2.3 Eco's Semiotic Theory; 4.2.4 About the Case of Anthropomorphism; References;
    Chapter 5: Intertheoricity: How to Build Bigger Models; 5.1 What Is Intertheoricity; 5.1.1 Academic Position About Interdisciplinarity; 5.1.2 Difficulties and Flaws of Interdisciplinarity; 5.1.3 Guillaume's Theory; 5.2 How Intertheoricity Allows for Bigger Models; 5.2.1 A Shared Methodology 5.2.2 Definitions: Harmonisation and Creation5.2.3 How Concepts "Communicate" with Each Other; 5.3 Why We Need Bigger Models; 5.3.1 More Complex Subjects; 5.3.2 Over-Specialised Researchers; 5.3.3 More Impact, Less Time; References;
    Chapter 6: Strengths and Flaws of Ethological and Biological Methodology; 6.1 Strengths to Work with; 6.1.1 Ancient and Strong Field; 6.1.2 Evolutive Methodology; 6.1.3 Observation-Based Science; 6.2 Flaws to Counter; 6.2.1 Leaving or Not Leaving the Laboratory; 6.2.2 Observation Is Disruption; 6.2.3 How Ideology Can Be Rooted in Science; References
    Chapter 7: Animal Studies, Animal Ethics7.1 Issues in Animal Studies; 7.1.1 Working with Living Beings; 7.1.2 Difficulty to Understand Stranger Minds; 7.1.3 Situation of Emergency; 7.2 Ethical Issues; 7.2.1 About Endangered Species; 7.2.2 About Complex Species; 7.2.3 About Pain in Animals; 7.3 Solutions of Semiotic Methodology; 7.3.1 On General Issues; 7.3.2 On Ethical Issues; References;
    Chapter 8: Building Zoosemiotics; 8.1 Between Semiotics and Animal Studies; 8.1.1 Semiotics and Biosemiotics; 8.1.2 Biosemiotics and Zoosemiotics; 8.2 Progress Wanted, and Progress Needed; 8.2.1 Where We Are
    Digital Access Springer 2019