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  • Book
    Marco A. Zarbin, Mandeep S. Singh, Ricardo P. Casaroli-Marano, editors.
    Summary: This book discusses why specific diseases are being targeted for cell-based retinal therapy, what evidence exists that justifies optimism for this approach, and what challenges must be managed in order to bring this technology from the laboratory into routine clinical practice. There are a number of unanswered questions (e.g., surgical approach to cell delivery, management of immune response, optimum cell type to transplant) that very likely are not going to be answered until human trials are undertaken, but there is a certain amount of "de-risking" that can be done with preclinical experimentation. This book is essential reading for scientists, clinicians, and advanced students in stem cell research, cell biology, and ophthalmology.

    Intro; Preface; Contents; Contributors;
    Chapter 1: Advantages of the Eye as a Target Organ for Cell-Based Therapy in the Central Nervous System; Introduction; Advantages of the Eye as a Target Organ; Anatomy and Physiology; Surgical Access; Immune Privilege; Antigen Load; High-Resolution Noninvasive Imaging Technology; Functional Assessment of the Transplant; Conclusions; References;
    Chapter 2: Proof of Principle: Preclinical Data on Retinal Cell Transplantation; Introduction; Photoreceptor Rescue Therapy; RPE Transplantation; Neural and Retinal Progenitor Cell Transplantation Age-Related Macular DegenerationClinical Characteristics; Genetic Association and Pathophysiology; Ophthalmoscopic Features; Imaging and Other Useful Tests; Fluorescein Angiography; Optical Coherence Tomography; Fundus Autofluorescence; Electrophysiological Testing; Differential Diagnosis; ABCA4 (Stargardt) Dystrophy; Clinical Characteristics; Genetic Association and Pathophysiology; Ophthalmoscopic Features; Imaging and Other Useful Tests; Fundus Autofluorescence; Fluorescein Angiography; Optical Coherence Tomography; Electrophysiological Testing; Differential Diagnosis; Best Disease Bone Marrow Cell TransplantationUmbilical Tissue-Derived Cell Transplantation; Photoreceptor Replacement Therapy; Neuroretinal Sheet Transplantation; Photoreceptor Cell Transplantation; Retinal Cellular Materials Transfer; Conclusion; References;
    Chapter 3: Clinical and Pathological Features of Selected Human Retinal Degenerative Diseases; Introduction; Generalized Retinal Degenerations; Retinitis Pigmentosa; Clinical Characteristics; Genetic Associations and Pathophysiology; Ophthalmoscopic Features; Imaging and Other Useful Tests; Perimetry and Electrophysiological Testing Clinical CharacteristicsGenetic Association and Pathophysiology; Ophthalmoscopic Features; Imaging and Other Useful Tests; Optical Coherence Tomography; Fundus autofluorescence; Fluorescein Angiography; Electrophysiological Testing; Differential Diagnosis; Conclusion; References;
    Chapter 4: Degenerative Retinal Diseases: Cell Sources for Cell-Based Therapy; Retinal Degenerative Diseases; Sources of Stem Cells; Embryonic Stem Cells (ESCs); Fetal Stem Cells; Adult Stem Cells; Neuronal Origin; RPE Stem Cells; Ciliary Epithelium-Derived Progenitor Cells; Müller Progenitor Cells (MCs) Fundus AutofluorescenceFluorescein Angiography; Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT); Differential Diagnosis; Leber Congenital Amaurosis; Clinical Characteristics; Genetic Association and Pathophysiology; Ophthalmoscopic Features; Imaging and Other Useful Tests; Fundus Autofluorescence, Fluorescein Angiography, and OCT; Psychophysical and Electrophysiological Testing; Differential Diagnosis; Choroideremia; Clinical Characteristics; Genetic Association and Pathophysiology; Ophthalmoscopic Features; Imaging and Other Useful Tests; Differential Diagnosis; Central Degenerations
    Digital Access Springer 2019