Bookvolume editor, Birgit Weinberger.
Summary: "This book summarizes age-related changes of the immune system and their impact on immune responses to vaccination, as well as other factors influencing vaccine-induced immune responses in old age. It gives an overview of vaccines which are currently available for older adults and of novel technologies and targets which hopefully will lead to more and improved vaccines for this vulnerable population"-- Provided by publisher.
How Inflammation Blunts Innate Immunity in Aging / Goldberg, E.L., Shaw, A.C., Montgomery, R.R.
Natural Killer Cells, Aging, and Vaccination / Witkowski, J.M., Larbi, A., Le Page, A.; Fülöp, T.
Changes in T Cell Homeostasis and Vaccine Responses in Old Age / Wong, G.C.L., Strickland, M.C., Larbi, A.
Age-Related Changes in B Cells Relevant to Vaccine Responses / Dunn-Walters, D., Stewart, A., Sinclair, E., Serangeli, I.
Comorbidities in the Elderly and Their Possible Influence on Vaccine Response / Kwetkat, A., Heppner, H.J.
The Impact of Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome on Vaccination Success / Frasca, D., Blomberg, B.B.
Influenza Vaccination: Accelerating the Process for New Vaccine Development in Older Adults / McElhaney, J.E., Andrew, M.K., Haynes, L., Kuchel, G.A., McNeil, S.A., Pawelec, G.
Vaccines to Protect Older Adults against Pneumococcal Disease / van de Garde, M.D.B., M.J., Rots, N.Y., van Baarle, D., van Els, C.A.C.M.
Herpes Zoster and Its Prevention by Vaccination / Johnson, R.W., Levin, M.J.
Vaccination of Adults and the Older Population against Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis, and TickBorne Encephalitis: The Importance of Booster Vaccinations throughout Life / Weinberger, B.
Vaccines for Older Travelers / Jilg, W.