Bookedited by Mary Margaret Gleason, Allison Boothe Trigg
Summary: This quick-reference guide is designed for those who work with young children in child care and school settings. Topics cover social-emotional development, biting, napping difficulties, PTSD, gender development, self-stimulation behaviors, and more. In addition to behavioral issues commonly seen in small children, the editors touch on epigenetics, medications, toxic stress, ACEs (adverse childhood experiences), and how to help children who have undergone traumatic experiences
About This Book
1. Managing Behavioral Issues in Child Care and Schools: Introduction and Overview
2. The Social and Emotional Development of Young Children
Emotional Development
The Effect of Temperament
Caregiver-Child Attachment Considerations
Social Development
Typical Concerns of Early Childhood
Responding to Challenging Behaviors
Additional Resources
3. Contributors to Social-Emotional Development
What Influences Young Children's Social-Emotional Development? Genetics and Epigenetics
Medical Conditions
Environmental Factors (Relationships)
Community Factors
Adverse Childhood Experiences
Protecting Children
4. Promoting Well-being in Early Care and Education Settings
Center-Level Well-being
Family-Level Well-being
Classroom-Level Well-being
Child-Level Well-being
5. Addressing Challenging or Disruptive Behaviors
The ABCs of Behavior
Step 1: Identify the Behaviors to Target
Step 2: Consider Contextual Influences Step 3: Observe What Occurs Immediately Before Challenging Behaviors (the Antecedent)
Step 4: Understand the Consequences
Step 5: Understand the Meaning of Behaviors
Step 6: Respond to Children's Needs, Prevent Challenging Behaviors, and Teach New Behaviors
Step 7: Determine New Responses
Crisis Responses
Concerns Specific to Infants
Consider Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultants
Implicit Bias and Its Role in Behavioral Expectations
6. Children With Special Needs
Children With Developmental Delays
Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder Children With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
Children Exposed to Trauma and Adversity
Recognizing Abuse and Neglect
Children With Chronic Medical Conditions
Children Taking Medications That Influence Social-Emotional Functioning
Medications for Mental Health Problems
Medications for Other Concerns
7. When the Usual Approaches Are Not Working
Partnering With Parents
Anticipating Challenges
Mental Health Consultation
Community Resources
Clinical/Professional Partners
Evidence-based Treatments
Suspensions and Expulsions