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  • Book
    Stefan Stübinger, Florian Klämpfl, Michael Schmidt, Hans-Florian Zeilhofer, editors.
    Summary: This book provides surgeons with important insights into laser technologies as well as a sound understanding of their current and potential applications within oral and maxillofacial surgery and related disciplines. The opening chapters focus on the relevant physical background, the technology of the typically used lasers, laser-tissue interactions, and the treatment systems. Detailed information is then provided on the various established applications of laser treatments, including in relation to skin and mucosa and the dental hard tissues and bone. Special applications are also described, for example with respect to periodontal surgery, peri-implantitis therapy, photodynamic treatment, holography and additive manufacturing. The book closes by examining technologies that will soon be available for application in hospitals, topics which are currently the subject of research, and laser safety. Beyond surgeons, the book will be of value for engineers and scientists working in the field of medical engineering using lasers.

    Part I: Laser Fundamentals
    1: Physical Fundamentals
    1.1 Prequel
    1.2 Basic Properties of Light
    1.2.1 Geometrical Optics: Light as Rays
    1.2.2 Wave Optics
    1.2.3 Photons
    1.3 Light Propagation
    1.4 Light-Matter Interaction
    1.5 Scattering of Light
    1.5.1 Elastic Scattering
    1.5.2 Inelastic Scattering
    2: An Introduction to Laser
    2.1 Introduction
    2.2 Physics of Laser
    2.3 Laser Light Properties
    2.3.1 Coherence
    2.3.2 Divergence and Directionality
    2.3.3 Monochromaticity
    2.3.4 Brightness 2.4 Gaussian Beam Optics
    2.5 Solid-State Lasers
    2.6 Gas Lasers
    2.7 Semiconductor Lasers
    Suggested Reading
    3: Laser-Tissue Interaction
    3.1 Introduction
    3.2 Optical Properties of Tissue
    3.2.1 Absorption
    3.2.2 Scattering
    3.3 Photochemical Interaction
    3.3.1 Photodynamic Therapy (PDT)
    3.3.2 Laser Biostimulation
    3.4 Photothermal Interaction
    3.5 Photoablation
    3.6 Plasma-Induced Ablation
    3.7 Photodisruption
    3.8 Conclusion
    Part II: Clinical and Technical Applications 4: Prevention and Treatment of Oral Mucositis in Cancer Patients Using Photobiomodulation (Low-Level Laser Therapy and Light-Emitting Diodes)
    4.1 Introduction
    4.2 Oral Mucositis
    4.2.1 Photobiomodulation (PBM) and Oral Mucositis
    4.2.2 New Beneficial Evidence
    5: Photodynamic Reactions for the Treatment of Oral-Facial Lesions and Microbiological Control
    5.1 Introduction
    5.2 Photodynamic Therapy in Facial Lesions
    5.3 Photodynamic Therapy of Head and Neck Cancers
    5.3.1 Protocols and Determining Factors in the Outcome
    5.3.2 Lesion Size and Appearance 5.3.3 Dosimetry
    5.3.4 Site
    5.4 Photodynamic Inactivation
    6: Biophotonic Based Orofacial Rehabilitation and Harmonization
    6.1 Introduction
    6.2 Photonic Therapies for Orofacial Rehabilitation and Harmonization
    6.2.1 Photobiomodulation Red Light (622-780 nm) Near Infrared Light (780-1500 nm) Blue Light (455-492 nm) Amber Light (577-622 nm) Violet Light (390-455 nm) Green Light (492-577 nm)
    6.2.2 Photokinesiotherapies
    6.3 Photopeelings
    6.4 Conclusion
    References 7: Use of Er:YAG Laser in Conservative Dentistry and Adhesion Process
    7.1 Er:YAG Laser Interaction with Enamel and Dentine
    7.2 Laser Er:YAG and Adhesion
    7.3 Clinical Cases and Protocols for Laser Conservative Dentistry
    8: Deep Lasers on Hard Tissue and Laser Prevention in Oral Health
    8.1 Laser and Hypersensitivity
    8.1.1 Nd:YAG Laser: LITS Technique
    8.1.2 Diode Laser
    8.2 Er:YAG Sealing
    9: Laser in Bone Surgery
    9.1 Introduction
    9.2 History of Hard Tissue Laser Ablation
    9.3 The Physics Behind the Laser-Bone Interaction
    Digital Access Springer 2020