Summary: AHA data: includes data collected by the American Hospital Association that represents the single best source for credible, consistent information about the nation's hospitals. AHA Data provides easy, streamlined access to multiple data sets that cover demographic, operational, fnancial and IT characteristics of the nation's hospitals. AHA annual survey database: offers a wealth of data from more than 6,000 hospitals. Can be used to extract valuable demographic, operational, staffng, employment model, insurance and utilization characteristics for hospitals, providing an essential foundation to valuable health care research. Can expand analysis by matching ASDB data to public data sets using the Medicare Provider Number. Supports longitudinal healthcare research with a full decade or more of ASDB data. AHA annual survey database with financial data: sourced from the Healthcare Provider Cost Reporting Information System (HCRIS) managed by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS). Can be used to gain a broader fnancial view of MedicareCertifed hospitals including income statement, balance sheet, and key calculated metrics. The AHA Annual Survey IT database: contains current information on healthcare technology adoption and indicators in response to the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act. Can be used to analyze healthcare IT indicators, illustrate the depth and level of technology integration within over 3,500 hospitals, assess hospital readiness for achieving meaningful use and their intent to apply for incentive payments, evaluate EHR interoperability capabilities, and to identify primary inpatient and outpatient vendors used for the EHR/EMR systems.
AHA annual survey database (ASDBs)
AHA annual survey database with financial data (ASDB)
AHA annual survey IT database.
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