Bookedited by Douglas J. Mathisen, Christopher R. Morse ; illustrations by Body Scientific International, LLC., Anne Rains.
Summary: Take your surgical skills to the next level with Thoracic Surgery: Transplantation, Tracheal Resections, Mediastinal Tumors, Extended Thoracic Resections, a volume in the Master Techniques in Surgery Series! This thoracic surgery reference provides the richly illustrated, step-by-step guidance you need to perfect a full range of thoracic surgery techniques, avoid and manage complications, and achieve optimal outcomes. Key features: see exactly how to perform the full range of procedures, both open and minimally invasive, for lung transplantation, thoracic outlet syndrome, pectus repair, diaphr.
Part I: Endoscopy
Rigid/flexible bronchoscopy / Douglas J. Mathiesen
Airway stenting / Aaron M. Cheng, Douglas E. Wood
Part II: Lung resection: General principles
Endobronchial and endoscopic ultrasound staging in lung cancer / Jordan Krazakov, Moishe Liberman
Mediastinoscopy: Current role in thoracic surgery and management of complications / Tibor Krajc, Michael Rolf Mueller
Transcervical extended mediastinal lymphadenectomy (TEMLA) for staging of nonsmall cell lung cancer / (NSCLC) / Martin Zieliński [and others]
Mediastinal node dissection right/left (VATS/Open) / Hiroshi Date
Robotic lymph node dissection / Franca M.A. Melfi, Olivia Fanucchi, Alfredo Mussi
Techniques/complications of thoracotomy / Dan J. Raz
Part III: Lung resection: Lobectomy
Right upper lobe: Open / Walter Weder, Ilhan Inci
Right upper lobe: VATS / Michael J. Weyant
Open middle lobectomy / Gunda Leschber
Right middle lobe: VATS / Michael J. Weyant
Right lower lobe: Open / Ralph A. Schmid, Gregor J. Kocher
Right lower lobe: VATS / Michael J. Weyant
Open left upper lobectomy / N. Golan, Thomas K. Waddell
Left upper lobe: VATS / Michael Lanuti
Left lower lobectomy: Open / David Tom Cooke
VATS lower left lobectomy / Daniel G. Nicastri, Oskar Kizhner, Todd S. Weiser
Precision cautery laser excision / Tae H. Song, Christopher R. Morse
Robotic approach to lobectomy / Benjamin Wei, Robert James Cerfolio
Part IV: Lung resection: Segmentectomy
Right upper lobe (Anterior, posterior, apical) / Laureano Molins [and others]
VATS right upper lobe (RUL) segmentectomy / Andrew J. Kaufman, Raja M. Flores
Superior and basilar right lower lobe segmentectomies / Gaetano Rocco
Video-assisted thoracoscopic right superior and basilar segmentectomy / M. Blair Marshall, Dominic Emerson
Left upper lobe segmental resection: Lingula and superior division--Open approach / N. Golan, Thomas K. Waddell
Left upper lobectomy: VATS / Robert E. Merritt
Left lower lobe segmentectomy (superior and basilar): Open techniques / Sean C. Grondin, Colin Schieman
Left lower lobe segments--VATS / Hugh G. Auchincloss, Christopher R. Morse
Part V: Lung resection: Superior sulcus resection
Anterior approach to lung cancers invading the thoracic inlet / Olaf Mercier, Elie Fadel, Philippe Dartevelle
Superior sulcus resection-posterior approach / Cameron D. Wright
Thoracic en bloc spondylectomy / Claudio E. Tatsui, Laurence D. Rhines, Garrett L. Walsh
Part VI: Lung resection: EPP
Extrapleural pneumonectomy / Valerie W. Rusch
Pleurectomy and pneumonectomy / Andrew J. Kaufman, Raja M. Flores
Part VII: Lung resection: Broncoplastic procedures/vascular reconstructions
Upper right sleeve lobectomy / John D. Mitchell
Right middle lobe sleeve resection / Mara B. Antonoff, Bryan F. Meyers
Right lower and middle lobe sleeve lobectomy / Douglas J. Mathieson
Left upper sleeve lobectomy / Federico Venuta [and others]
Left lower lobe sleeve resection / Paula A. Ugalde [and others]
Right and left mainstem bronchial sleeve resections / Smita Sihag, Douglas J. Mathieson
Pulmonary artery sleeve resection and lobectomy / Antonio D'Andrilli, Federico Venuta, Erino A. Rendina
VATS sleeve lobectomy / Robert J. McKenna Jr
Part VIII: Lung resection: Carinal resection
Neocarina / John C. Wain
Right carinal sleeve pneumonectomy: Transsternal approach / John C. Wain
Right carinal sleeve pneumonectomy: Transthoracic / Michael Lanuti
Carinal right upper lobectomy / Harald C. Ott, Douglas J. Mathieson
Left carinal resection / Cameron D. Wright
Carinal resection: Pneumonectomy stump recurrence / Eric H. Twerdahl, Douglas J. Mathieson
Part IX: Management complications
Transsternal repair of postpneumonectomy bronchopleural fistual / Olaf Mercier, Marc de Perrot, Shaf Keshavjee
Transthoracic repair bronchopleural fistula / Francis C. Nichols
Muscle flaps for general thoracic surgeons / Mark S. Allen
Omental flap / Bryan M. Burt, Joseph B. Shrager
Persistent air leaks/pleural spaces / Douglas J. Mathieson, Christopher R. Morse.