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  • Book
    edited by Linda Roussel, Patricia L. Thomas, James L. Harris.
    Summary: "Management and Leadership for Nurse Administrators, Eighth Edition provides professional administrators and nursing students with a comprehensive overview of management concepts and theories. This text serves as a solid foundation for nurse managers, executives and students focused on management and administration. The Eighth Edition will address a number of new topics such as financial management as it relates to reimbursement as well as updates to the Affordable Care Act as they become known. In addition, the text will also include new content on population health, the IHI quadruple aim, and translational science. Other topic areas that will be addressed in-depth include: strategic planning, communication, relationship-building, work force diversity, team building and joy in the workplace. New to the Eighth Edition New content on management strategies for mentoring and coaching a diverse nursing staff Coverage of conflict resolution, risk mitigation and leadership skill developmentDiscussion of the business of health care, resource procurement and financial viabilityEthics as it relates to patient care delivery, research and quality improvement Retention strategies Updated chapter references Crosswalks for major content areas and competencies from AONE, ACHE and other professional organizationsInstructor Resources: Test bankPowerPoint Slides Discussion questionsSyllabusTransition guideCase ExemplarsCase Studies"--Provided by publisher.

    Forces influencing nursing leadership
    Leadership theory and application for nurse leaders
    Professional practice : a prototype linking nursing in interpersonal teams
    Executive coaching as a lever for professional development and leadership in healthcare organizations
    Leading in an era of change and uncertainty : driving excellence in practice while developing leaders of the future
    Organizational structure and accountability in healthcare systems
    Strategic practices in achieving organizational effectiveness
    Procuring and sustaining resources : the budgeting process
    Maximizing human capital
    Managing performance
    Information management and knowledge development as actions for leaders
    Laws, regulations, and healthcare policy shaping administrative practice
    Risk anticipation and management : creating a culture of quality, safety, and value
    Leaders achieving sustainable outcomes
    Messaging and disseminating excellence in leadership and ethical implications
    Leading implementation for sustainable improvement
    Polarity thinking : a lens for embracing wicked problems, conflict, and resistance in healthcare
    Future considerations : leading and managing population health.
    Digital Access R2Library 2020
    Limited to 1 simultaneous user