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  • Book
    edited by Norman K. Denzin (University of Illinois), Yvonna S. Lincoln (Texas A & M University).
    Summary: "The substantially updated and revised Fifth Edition of this landmark handbook presents the state-of-the-art theory and practice of qualitative inquiry. Representing top scholars from around the world, the editors and contributors continue the tradition of synthesizing existing literature, defining the present, and shaping the future of qualitative research. The Fifth Edition contains 19 new chapters, with 16 revised making it virtually a new volume while retaining six classic chapters from previous editions. New contributors to this edition include Jamel K. Donnor and Gloria Ladson-Billings; Margaret Kovach; Paula Saukko; Bryant Keith Alexander; Thomas A. Schwandt and Emily F. Gates; Johnny Saldaña; Uwe Flick; Mirka Koro-Ljungberg, Maggie MacLure, and Jasmine Ulmer; Maria Elena Torre, Brett G. Stoudt, Einat Manoff, and Michelle Fine; Jack Bratich; Svend Brinkmann; Eric Margolis and Renu Zunjarwad; Annette N. Markham; Alecia Y. Jackson and Lisa A. Mazzei; Jonathan Wyatt, Ken Gale, Susanne Gannon, and Bronwyn Davies; Janice Morse; Peter Dahler-Larsen; Mark Spooner; and David A. Westbrook"--Publisher.

    Introduction: The discipline and practice of qualitative research / Norman K. Denzin and Yvonna S. Lincoln
    Part 1. Locating the Field. A history of qualitative inquiry in social and educational research / Frederick Erickson
    Ethics and politics in qualitative research / Clifford G. Christians
    Ethics, research regulations, and critical social science / Gaile S. Cannella and Yvonna S. Lincoln
    Part 2. Paradigms and Perspectives in Contention. Paradigmatic controversies, contradictions, and emerging confluences, revisited / Yvonna S. Lincoln, Susan A. Lynham, and Egon G. Guba
    Feminist qualitative research in the millenium's first decade : developments, challenges, prospects / Virginia Olesen
    Feminist qualitative research : emerging lines of inquiry / Marjorie L. DeVault
    Critical race theory and the postracial imaginary / Jamel K. Donnor and Gloria Ladson-Billings
    Doing Indigenous methodologies : a letter to a research class / Margaret Kovach
    Critical pedagogy and qualitative research: advancing the bricolage / Joe L. Kincheloe, Peter McLaren, Shirley R. Steinberg, and Lilia D. Monzó
    Methodologies for cultural and social studies in an age of new technologies / Paula Saukko
    Queer/quare theory : worldmaking and methodologies / Bryant Keith Alexander
    Part 3. Strategies of Inquiry. The marketization of research : implications for qualitative inquiry / Julianne Cheek
    Case study methodology / Thomas A. Schwandt and Emily F. Gates
    Performance ethnography / Judith Hamera
    Ethnodrama and ethnotheatre : research as performance / Johnny Saldaña
    Advancing a constructionist analytics / James A. Holstein
    Evolving grounded theory and social justice inquiry / Kathy Charmaz, Robert Thornberg, and Elaine Keane
    Triangulation / Uwe Flick
    D ... a ... t ... a ..., data++, data, and some problematics / Mirka Koro-Ljungberg, Maggie MacLure, and Jasmine Ulmer
    In the name of human rights : I say (how) you (should) speak (before I listen) / Antjie Krog
    Critical participatory action research on state violence : bearing wit(h)ness across fault lines of power, privilege, and dispossession / María Elena Torre, Brett G. Stoudt, Einat Manoff, and Michelle Fine
    Part 4. Methods of Collecting and Analyzing Empirical Materials. Observation in a surveilled world / Jack Bratich
    Narrative inquiry : toward theoretical and methodological maturity / Susan E. Chase
    Critical arts-based inquiry : performances of resistance politics / Susan Finley
    The interview / Svend Brinkmann
    Visual research / Eric Margolis and Renu Zunjarwad
    Autoethnography and the other : performative embodiment and a bid for utopia / Tami Spry
    Ethnography in the digital internet era : from fields to flows, descriptions to interventions / Annette N. Markham
    Analyzing talk and text / Anssi Peräkylä and Johanna Ruusuvuori
    Focus group research and/in figured worlds / George Kamberelis, Greg Dimitriadis, and Alyson Welker
    Thinking with theory : a new analytic for qualitative inquiry / Alecia Y. Jackson and Lisa A. Mazzei
    Creating a space in between : collaborative inquiries / Jonathan Wyatt, Ken Gale, Susanne Gannon, and Bronwyn Davies (JKSB)
    Part 5. The Art and Practices of Interpretation, Evaluation, and Representation. Evidence, criteria, policy, and politics : the debate about quality and utility in educational and social research / Harry Torrance
    Reframing rigor in qualitative inquiry / Janice Morse
    Writing : a method of inquiry / Laurel Richardson and Elizabeth Adams St. Pierre
    The elephant in the living room, or extending the conversation about the politics of evidence / Norman K. Denzin
    Braiding narrative ethnography with memoir and creative nonfiction / Barbara Tedlock
    Qualitative evaluation : methods, ethics, and politics with stakeholders / Peter Dahler-Larsen
    Part 6. The Future of Qualitative Research. Qualitative research and global audit culture : the politics of productivity, accountability and possibility / Marc Spooner
    Critical issues for qualitative research / David A. Westbrook
    Epilogue: Toward a "refunctioned ethnography" / Yvonna S. Lincoln and Norman K. Denzin.
    Print Access Request
    Call Number
    Books: General Collection (Downstairs)
    H62 .H2455 2018