BookMariagrazia Stracquadanio.
Summary: This book is a practical clinical guide to the correct diagnosis and appropriate treatment of hyperandrogenism, an extremely common endocrine disease that can affect women from adolescence to menopause. The volume covers topics ranging from the causes to the treatment, providing an expert point of view on the assessment and the differential diagnosis. Since the hyper androgenic syndromes are often associated with menstrual disorders, it is a valuable and easy-to-use resource, not only for endocrinologists but for gynecologists as well. Thanks to its clear approach, it is also useful for all specialists who deal with this women's disease.
1. Definition, epidemiology, genetics
2. Causes of hyperandrogenism: Ovarian diseases
Adrenal diseases
Iatrogenic forms and other diseases
3. Clinical features and assessment of hyperandrogenism: Hirsutism
Androgenic alopecia
4. Differential Diagnosis for clinical use
5. Treatment: Hormonal and antiandrogenic treatment
Non-hormonal treatment
Topical therapies.