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  • Book
    editor-in-chief, Joanne V. Hickey ; associate editor, Andrea L. Strayer.
    Summary: "Neuroscience nurses practice in a very complex and challenging environment, caring for equally complex patients with multiple needs. Therefore, the contemporary neuroscience nurse engages in high-level assessment, information processing, and decision making. This requires professional competency in not only the specialty of neuroscience nursing practice, but also in general nursing and interprofessional collaborative practice. Much of the care delivered is through teams, with the nurse being an integral team member. The complexities of team communications, coordination, continuity, and safety require new models of practice to achieve optimal outcomes"--Provided by publisher.

    Section 1. Neuroscience nursing: contemporary practice
    The state of the science of neuroscience nursing practice
    Ethical perspectives and end-of-life care
    Beyond the hospital: preparing and caring for neuroscience patients after acute care
    Section 2. Assessment and evaluation of neuroscience patients
    Overview of neuroanatomy and neurophysiology
    Diagnostics for patients with neurological disorders
    Comprehensive neurological examination
    Neurological assessment
    Section 3. Neuroscience nursing: common management challenges
    Intracranial hypertension: theory and management of increased intracranial pressure
    Management of patients with an altered level of consciousness
    Neuroendocrine disorders in neuroscience patients
    Neurosurgical procedures: patient care management
    Rehabilitation of patients with neurological disorders
    Section 4. Nursing management of patients with injury to the neurological system
    Craniocerebral injuries
    Spine and spinal cord injuries
    Back pain and spinal disorders
    Section 5. Nursing management of cranial nerve disorders and peripheral nerve injuries
    Cranial nerve diseases
    Peripheral nerve injuries
    Section 6. Nursing management of patients with neoplasms of the neurological system
    Brain tumors
    Spinal cord tumors
    Section 7. Nursing management of patients with cerebrovascular disease
    Transient ischemic attacks and acute ischemic stroke
    Intracerebral hemorrhagic stroke
    Intracranial aneurysms
    Arteriovenous malformations and other cerebrovascular anomalies
    Section 8. Nursing management of patients with pain, seizures, and CNS infections
    Chronic pain
    Seizures and epilepsy
    Infections of the central nervous system
    Section 9. Nursing management of patients with movement disorders, neurodegenerative and neuromuscular diseases
    Parkinson's disease
    Alzheimer's disease and related dementias
    Multiple sclerosis
    Guillain-Barré syndrome
    Myasthenia gravis
    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
    Digital Access Ovid 2020