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  • Book
    [edited by] J. Mark Melhorn, James B. Talmage, William E. Ackerman III, Mark H. Hyman.
    Summary: "The second edition of AMA Guides to the Evaluation of Disease and Injury Causation is dedicated to updating the science, expanding the focus, and including additional perspectives to improve the understanding of causation, which will eventually improve the treatment outcomes for the injured worker as they stay-at-home or return-to-work"--Provided by publisher.

    Understanding work-relatedness
    Casual associations and determination of work-relatedness
    The causality examination
    Report writing
    Upper limb
    Lower limb
    Musculosketel disorders: conditions of uncertain pathophysiology - acute and chronic pain
    Causation of common cardiovascular problems
    Causation in common pulmonary problems
    Neurological disorders
    Rheumatologic diseases
    Mental illness
    Ear, eye, nose and throat
    Selected topics: gender, leukemia related to radiation, and occupational skin lesions (sun exposures)
    Chemical exposure claims: a framework for causation analysis
    Putting it all together: causation analysis as illustrated by example
    Example of causation methodology
    Causation: the attorney's perspective
    Causation: a judge's perspective
    Causation: the employer's perspective
    Causation: The insurer's (payer's) perspective
    Causation: the worker's compensation commission perspective
    Causation: the occupational physician's perspective
    Causation: the international perspective
    Causation issues for public safety personnel
    Effects of whole-body vibration on the spine
    Evaluating causation of favoring for the opposite limb.
    Digital Access Ebsco 2014