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  • Book
    Robin R. Preston, Thad E. Wilson.
    Summary: "Lippincott's Illustrated Reviews: Physiology brings physiology clearly into focus, telling the story of who we are, how we live, and, ultimately, how we die. By first identifying organ function and then showing how cells and tissues are designed to fulfill that function, Lippincott Illustrated Reviews: Physiology decodes this discipline like no other text or review book. Each element was tailored for ease of use and fast content absorption, all combining to bring this story to life for readers. Visionary artwork, Clinical Applications, and Unit Review Questions teach and reinforce the most essential concepts in physiology--perfect for classroom learning and test/boards preparation"--Provided by publisher.

    Principles of physiologic function
    Sensory and motor systems
    Musculoskeletal and integumentary physiology
    Cardiovascular system
    Respiratory system
    Urinary system
    Gastrointestinal system
    Endocrine system
    Living and dying
    Appendices: A. Normal physiological values; B. Reference equations.