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  • Book
    Shahirose Sadrudin Premji, editor.
    Summary: This volume analyses the distinct care needs of late preterm infants and their parents by reflecting on the best available evidence to inform on practice and latest innovations in care. It addresses the spectrum of issues experienced by late preterm infants and their parents to ensure their health life trajectories. We define late preterm infants as those born between 34 to 36 weeks' gestational age. The book uses creative writing prompts and a narrative style to gain insight and self-reflection in and on practice to move the reader to embracing best practices. Issues such as mother's physical and emotional health, father's burden in postpartum period and neurodevelopmental outcomes of late preterm infants are specifically addressed. Areas of innovation are shared for consideration to prompt readers thinking about continuous improvement in quality of care. The book shares local and global perspectives to address the common concerns related to care of late preterm infants and their families, and to foster a partnership in promoting their health all across the globe. It is intended to any health care providers such as nurses, midwives, physicians and other allied care professionals like health visitors, community health workers.

    Chapter 1. Who is the late preterm infant and what trouble can he potentially gets into after birth?
    Chapter 2. Mother's physical health before delivery matters: what happens and why?! Why is hypoglycaemia a potential concern forlate preterm infants?
    Chapter 3. Mother's emotional health during pregnancy matters: what happens and why?!
    Chapter 4. What do I need to know about the father of a late preterm infant to support him in the postpartum period?
    Chapter 5. The social organization of nurses' work with late preterm infants in non-tertiary settings: say that again?
    Chapter 6. Why is it so hard to breastfeed a late preterm infant and what can I do to help parents?
    Chapter 7. Why is it so hard to breastfeed a late preterm infant and how to help parents?
    Chapter 8. Am I a frequent flyer? Taking care of late preterm infants and their parents in the community
    Chapter 9. Late preterm infants and neurodevelopmental outcomes: Why do I need to serve and return? Are there innovative therapies we can explore?
    Chapter 10. Perspectives from health care providers local to global: Words of wisdom. Personal reflections of caring for late preterm infants
    Chapter 11. The alternative facts about late preterm infants: You mean there are fake stories about me?
    Digital Access Springer 2019