Bookauthor, Committee on Coding and Nomenclature (COCN), American Academy of Pediatrics ; Edward A. Liechty, editor ; Cindy Hughes, consulting editor ; Becky Dolan, staff editor.
Summary: "For beginners and advanced coders alike, this is the first place to look for pediatric-specific coding solutions! A widely used American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) exclusive, this essential resource complements standard coding manuals with proven documentation and billing solutions. This year's completely updated 23rd edition includes all changes in Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) codes -- complete with expert guidance for their application as well as ICD-10-CM updates for pediatric-related conditions. There is also an increased focus on compliant electronic health record administration. The book's many clinical vignettes and examples, as well as the many coding pearls throughout, provide added guidance needed to ensure accuracy and payment. This great resource continues to be approved for 4 continuing education units from the American Academy of Professional Coders"--Publisher's description.
New and revised CPT® codes for 2018
Diagnosis coding: ICD-10-CM
Modifiers and coding edits
Evaluation and management documentation guidelines
Time-based coding
Preventive services
Evaluation and management services in the office, outpatient, home, or nursing facility setting
Managing chronic and complex conditions
Pre-birth counseling and care of the newborn
Noncritical hospital evaluation and management services
Emergency department services
Critical and intensive care
Allied health and clinical staff services
Common surgical procedures and sedation
Common testing and therapeutic services
Coding to demonstrate quality and value
Preventing fraud and abuse: compliance, audits, and paybacks
The business of medicine: working with current and emerging payment systems
Continuing education units (CEUs) for American Academy of Professional Coders
Appendixes. Sample assessment/testing tools
Vaccine products: commonly administered pediatric vaccines
Chronic care management worksheet
Care plan oversight encounter worksheet
Global per diem critical care codes: direct supervision and reporting guidelines
Effective health plan appeals: the ins and outs
Sample denial tracking tool.