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  • Book
    Todd W. Vanderah.
    Summary: "In the 5th Edition of this highly accessible atlas, Dr. Todd Vanderah continues the mission of his esteemed colleague, Dr. John "Jack" Nolte, to clearly depict and explain the challenging subject of neuroanatomy. Designed to promote a rapid understanding of complex concepts, Nolte's The Human Brain in Photographs and Diagrams combines easy-to-digest coverage of the brain, spinal cord, and brainstem with carefully selected visuals to cover all aspects of the information needed for success in coursework, on exams, and in clerkships and clinical "--Publisher's description.

    External anatomy of the brain
    Transverse sections of the spinal cord
    Transverse sections of the brainstem
    Building a brain : three-dimensional reconstructions
    Coronal sections
    Axial sections
    Sagittal sections
    Functional systems
    Clinical imaging
    An introduction to neuropathology.
    Digital Access ClinicalKey 2020