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  • Book
    Jean Watson.
    Summary: Human Caring Science: A Theory of Nursing, Second Edition by renowned nurse theorist Jean Watson discusses the balance between science and caring that forms the basis of the nursing profession. Watson's Theory of Human Care draws from Western and Eastern philosophers, approaching the human care relationship as a moral concept. Further, it seeks to elucidate the human care process in nursing, preserve humanity and the inner life of patients, and reintroduce true caring and healing into educational and clinical practices. Thoroughly revised and updated, each chapter provides fresh insights and contemporary thinking making it accessible to undergraduates as well as graduates and practicing nurses. This Second Edition also includes a new research chapter with the latest empirical work on assessing and measuring caring, examples of practice models, and multi-site research.--Publisher website.

    Introduction : context for theory development
    Nursing as human caring science
    Human caring in nursing
    Nature of human caring and caring values in nursing
    Nursing and metaphysics
    Nature of human life as subject matter of nursing
    Theory components and definitions
    Transpersonal caring relationship
    Structural overview of Watson's theory of human care
    Methodology : reconsidered
    Transcendental or depth phenomenology and poetic results: an exemplar.
    Print Access Request
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