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  • Book
    Marcia Hills, Jean Watson.
    Summary: Divided into five units, the text addresses the history of the caring curriculum revolution and its reemergence as a powerful presence within nursing. Unit II introduces intellectual and strategic blueprints for caring-based education, including action-oriented approaches for faculty-student relations, teaching/learning skills, emancipatory pedagogical practices, critical-reflective-creative approaches to evolving human consciousness, and power relation dynamics. The third unit addresses curriculum structure and design, the evolution of a caring-based college of nursing, the philosophy of caring-human science, caring in advanced practice education, caring as a pedagogical approach to nursing education, and teaching-learning professional caring based on Watson's theory of human caring. Unit IV explores an alternative approach to evaluation. The final unit explores the future of the caring science curriculum as a way of emancipating the human spirit, with caritas nursing as a transformative model. --Book Jacket.

    Caring science : curriculum revolutions and detours along the way
    Beliefs and assumptions : the hidden drivers of curriculum development
    Emancipatory pedagogy : the transformation of consciousness through relational inquiry
    Creating caring relationships : collaboration, power, and participation
    Engaging in critical caring dialogue
    Critical reflection-in-action (praxis) : emancipatory action
    Creating a culture of caring
    Curriculum structure and design
    Evolution of a caring-based college of nursing / Anne Boykin, Theris A. Touhy, and Marlaine C. Smith
    Caring-human science philosophy in nursing education : beyond the curriculum revolution / Sheila Lewis, Martha Rogers, and Rahel Naef
    Caring in advance practice education : a new view of the future / Mary Enzman Hines
    Introduction to caring as a pedagogical approach to nursing education / Mary Rockwood Lane and Michael Samuels
    Teaching-learning professional caring based on Jean Watson's theory of human caring / Kathleen L. Sitzman
    Connoisseurship : an alternative approach to evaluation
    Reflecting and re-visioning : bringing the heart and mind together.
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