Bookedited by James R. Howe.
Summary: This book brings together recognized experts in the field to describe their current techniques for the surgical treatment of diseased thyroid, parathyroid, and adrenal glands, as well as neuroendocrine tumors of small bowel, pancreas, liver, and skin. For each procedure, indications, operative steps, potential pitfalls and complications, and postoperative management are presented. The clear descriptions coupled with informative and beautiful illustrations will give the reader new perspectives and insights into the anatomy and conduct of these procedures. Endocrine surgery has been an area of special interest to surgeons for well over a century, while the increasing incidence of neuroendocrine tumors has more recently led to greater attention to these neoplasms. Significant advances have been made in a variety of areas, the most recent being the introduction of minimally invasive methods of removing diseased glands, and the improved understanding of the natural history of neuroendocrine tumors.
PARATHYROID: Unilateral With Probe
Unilateral Without Probe, Using PTH
Subtotal Parathyroidectomy
Total Parathyroidectomy With Autotransplantation
Mediastinal/Thoracoscopic Approach
THYROID: Thyroid Lobectomy And Total Thyroidectomy For Differentiated Cancer
Total Thyroidectomy And Central Neck Dissection For MTC
Substernal Goiter
Modified Neck Dissection For Differentiated Thyroid Cancer
ADRENAL: Open Approach
Posterior Approach
Transabdominal Laparoscopic
Retroperitoneal Laparoscopic
GI TRACT: Treatment Of Gastric And Duodenal Carcinoids
Small Bowel Resection And Lymphadenectomy For Ileal Carcinoid
Liver Debulking For NETs
Distal Pancreatectomy With/Without Splenectomy
Laparoscopic Distal Pancreatectomy
Enucleation For Neuroendocrine Tumors. OTHER NEUROENDOCRINE: Small bowel resection
Liver surgery- Wide excision and sentinel node mapping for Merkel cell Carcinoma. Part 1. Parathyroid. Chapter 1. Radioguided parathyroidectomy / Herbert Chen
Chapter 2. Minimally invasive parathyroidectomy with intraoperative PTH testing / Ronald J. Weigel
Chapter 3. Susbtotal parathyroidectomy for parathyroid hyperplasia / Göran Åkerström. Per Hellman, Ola Hessman
Chapter 4. Parathyroid transplantation / Samuel A. Wells Jr.
Chapter 5. Mediastinal/thoracoscopic parathyroidectomy / Richard A. Prinz, John A. Howington, Catherine A. Madorin
Part 2. Thyroid. Chapter 6. Thyroid lobectomy and total thyroidectomy / Ashok R. Shaha
Chapter 7. Central neck dissection for medullary thyroid carcinoma / J.F. Moley
Chapter 8. Substernal goiter / Daniel Oertli
Chapter 9. Modified neck dissection for differentiated thyroid cancer / Iain J. Nixon, Jatin P. Shah
Part 3. Adrenal. Chapter 10. Open transabdominal adrenalectomy for malignant neoplasms / Murray F. Brennan
Chapter 11. Posterior adrenalectomy / Douglas L. Fraker
Chapter 12. Laparoscopic transabdominal lateral adrenalectomy / Michael J. Campbell, Quan-Yang Duh
Chapter 13. Posterior retroperitoneoscopic adrenalectomy / Terry C. Lairmore. Part 4. Stomach and duodenum. Chapter 14. Surgery for duodenal and gastric neuroendocrine tumors / Jeffrey A. Norton
Part 5. Pancreas. Chapter 15. Pancreaticoduodenectomy for neuroendocrine tumors / Albert Amini, Douglas B. Evans, Kathleen K. Christians
Chapter 16. Open distal pancreatectomy / Charles M. Vollmer Jr., Jeffrey A. Drebin
Chapter 17. Laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy / James J. Mezhir, James R. Howe
Chapter 18. Pancreatic enucleation / Attila Nakeeb, Henry A. Pitt
Part 5. Other neuroendocrine. Chapter 19. Small bowel resection and lymphadenectomy for jejunoileal neuroendocrine tumors / James R. Howe
Chapter 20. Liver surgery for neuroendocrine tumors / J. Philip Boudreaux and Yi-Zarn Wang
Chapter 21. Wide excision and sentinel node mapping for Merkel cell carcinoma / James R. Howe.