Bookedited by Vicky Chapman, Cathy Charles.
Labour and normal birth / Cathy Charles
Vaginal examinations and amniotomy / Vicky Chapman
Fetal heart rate monitoring in labour / Bryony Read
Perineal trauma and suturing / Vicky Chapman
Examination of the newborn baby at birth / Caroline Rutter
Home birth / Cathy Charles
Water for labour and birth / Cathy Charles
Malpositions and malpresentations in labour / Vicky Chapman
Slow progress in labour / Vicky Chapman
Assisted birth: ventouse and forceps / Cathy Charles
Caesarean section / Cathy Charles
Vaginal birth after caesarean section / Vicky Chapman
Preterm birth / Charlise Adams
Breech birth / Lesley Shuttler
Twins and higher-order births / Jo Coggins
Obstetric haemorrhage / Hannah Bailey
Emergencies in labour and birth / Hannah Bailey
Neonatal and maternal resuscitation / Nick Castle
Induction of labour / Cathy Charles
Pre-eclampsia and diabetes / Annette Briley
Stillbirth and neonatal death / Cathy Charles
Risk management, litigation and complaints / Cathy Charles
Intrapartum blood tests / Vicky Chapman
Medicines and the midwife / Vicky Chapman.