Bookedited by Jérôme Badaut, Nikolaus Plesnila.
Physiology of cerebral blood vessels / Ute Lindauer
Blood-brain interfaces organization in relation to inorganic ion transport, CDF secretion, and circulation / Jean-Franc̦ois Chersi-Egea and Helle Damkier
Noninvasive imaging techniques for brain edema / Andre Obenaus and Jérôme Badaut
Experiemental techniques to investigate the formation of brain edema in vivo / Nikolaus Plesnila
In vitro models of the blood-brain barrier to better understand the pathophysiology of brain edema / Abraham J. Al-Ahmad
The extracellular and perivascular spaces of the brain / Mchelle E. Pizzo and Robert G. Thorne
Blood-brain barrier mechanisms of edema formation / Martha E. O'Donnell, Heike Wulff and Yi-Je Chen
Mechanisms of cell-volume regulation in the central nervous system / Nikolaus Plesnila and Oliver Kempski
Role of aquaporins in the formation and resolution of brain edema / Beatriz Rodriguez-Grande, Jan-Pieter Konsman and Jérôme Badaut
Sur1-Tirpm4-promising target for brain edema treatment in brain edema / Sebastian Urday, Kevin N. Sheth and J. Marc Simard
Role of matrix metalloproteinsases in brain edema / Changjun Yang an Eduardo Candelario-Jalil
Edema and BBB beakdown in stroke / Kathleen E. Salmeron, Danielle N. Edwards, Justin F. Fraser and Gregory J. Bix
Brain edema formation in traumatic brain injury / Sighild Lemarchant and Jérôme Badaut
Spinal cord edema after spinal cord injury / Newton Cho, Laureen D. Hachem and Michael G. Fehlings
Brain edema in acute liver failure / Roger F. Butterworth
Blood-brain barrier and edema in brain tumors / Andreas F. Mack, Hartwig Wolburg and Petra Fallier-Becker
Water homeostasis dysfunction in epilepsy / Devin K. Binder
Water homeostasis dysfunctions and edema in neuroinflammatory disease / Klaus G. Petry and Andreas Bikfalvi
Experimental therapies for brain edema and intracranial hypertension / Katrin Rauen and Nikolaus Plesnila
Clinical monitoring of brain edema / Sandro M. Krieg and Sebastian Ille
Brain edema in developing brain diseases / Raffaella Moretti, Vibol Chhor, Luigi Titomanlio, Bobbi Fleiss
Cerebral edema in cerebrovascular diseases / Stephane Olindo and Igor Sibon
Traumatic brain injury and edema treatment / Klaus Zweckberger
Treatment of edema formation in oncology / Oliver Schnell and Jörg-Christian Tonn
Perspectives on future translational research on brain edema / J. Marc Simard, Jérôme Badaut and Nikolaus Plesnila.