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    Christopher G. Roth, MD, Associate Professor, Vice Chair, Quality and Performance, Vice Chair, ... Show More Methodist Hospital Division, Department of Radiology, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Sandeep Deshmukh, MD, Associate Professor, Division Director, Body CT, Medical Director, Jefferson Outpatient Imaging-Collegeville, Chairman, Residency Selection Committee, Department of Radiology, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
    Introduction and physics of body MRI
    MRI of focal liver lesions
    MRI of diffuse liver disease
    MRI of the biliary system and gallbladder
    MRI of the pancreas and spleen
    MRI of the kidneys, ureters, and urinary bladder
    MRI of the adrenal glands and retroperitoneum
    MRI of the gastrointestinal system
    MRI of the uterus and vagina
    MRI of the ovaries and adnexa
    MRI of the prostate and male genitourinary system.
    Digital Access ClinicalKey 2017
    Print Access Request
    Call Number