Bookedited by Roberto Gerli ; co-edited by Elena Bartoloni, Alessia Alunno.
Introduction : history of Sjögren's syndrome
Clinical features
Management of Sjögren's syndrome
Classification criteria for Sjögren's syndrome
Imaging procedures useful for the diagnosis of Sjögren's syndrome : abnormalities of the major salivary glands
Sjögren's syndrome--associated lymphoma
Spontaneous and inducible animal models of Sjögren's syndrome
Genetics, genomics, gene expression profiling, and epigenetics in Sjögren's syndrome
Autoantigens and autoantibodies in the pathogenesis of Sjögren's syndrome
Sjögren's syndrome and environmental factors
Histology of Sjögren's syndrome
Glandular epithelium : innocent bystander or leading actor?
T cells in the pathogenesis of Sjögren's syndrome : more than just Th1 and Th2
B lymphocytes in primary Sjögren's syndrome
Cytokines, chemokines, and the innate immune system in Sjögren's syndrome
Autoantibodies and autoantigens in Sjögren's syndrome
Outcome measures in Sjögren's syndrome and perspectives in clinical trial design
Novel therapeutic strategies in Sjögren's syndrome : b-cell targeting
Novel therapeutic strategies in Sjögren's syndrome : t-cell targeting
New biological avenues for Sjögren's syndrome.