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  • Book
    M. Elizabeth Oates, Vincent L. Sorrell.
    Summary: This book will serve as a comprehensive reference source and self-assessment guide for physicians and technologists who practice myocardial perfusion SPECT imaging. Readers will learn to identify a wide variety of findings apart from the left ventricle, including those in the chest, the abdomen, and the right heart. It is explained which findings are clinically relevant and related to the reason for the myocardial perfusion imaging examination and which are incidental, with or without important clinical ramifications. The coverage includes a wide variety of common and uncommon focal lesions (e.g., benign or malignant neoplasms) and organ/systemic diseases (e.g., emphysema, cirrhosis and its sequelae, cholecystitis, duodenogastric reflux/gastroparesis, end-stage renal disease) that may be detected with myocardial perfusion SPECT imaging. In addition, guidance is provided in the recognition of typical artifacts, which may appear either "hot" or "cold" on the raw (unprocessed) and processed SPECT images, and, thereby, in the avoidance of potential interpretative pitfalls.

    Part 1 The Fundamentals: Acquisition
    Part 2 "Hot" and "Cold" Findings: Right Heart
    1. Right atrium
    2. Right ventricle
    1. Skeleton
    2. Chest wall
    3. Thyroid gland
    4. Parathyroid glands
    5. Breasts
    6. Mediastinum
    7. Lungs and pleura
    8. Pericardium
    9. Vascular system
    10. Lymphatic system
    1. Peritoneum
    2. Liver
    3. Gallbladder
    4. Spleen
    5. Stomach
    6. Small bowel
    7. Large bowel
    8. Kidneys
    9. Vascular system
    10. Lymphatic system
    Part 3 Case Challenges (for self-assessment).
    Digital Access Springer 2017