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  • Book
    edited by Marinella Cappelletti and Wim Fias.
    Chapter 1 - Neuronal foundations of human numerical representations / E. Eger
    Chapter 2 - What counts in estimation? The nature of the preverbal system / V. Karolis, B. Butterworth
    Chapter 3 - Core mathematical abilities in infants: Number and much more / M.D. de Hevia
    Chapter 4 - Cognitive and brain systems underlying early mathematical development / D.C. Geary, A.M. Moore
    Chapter 5 - Individual differences in children's mathematics achievement: The roles of symbolic numerical magnitude processing and domain-general cognitive functions / K. Vanbinst, B. De Smedt
    Chapter 6 - Similarity interference in learning and retrieving arithmetic facts / A. De Visscher, M.-P. Noël
    Chapter 7 - Memory and cognitive control circuits in mathematical cognition and learning / V. Menon
    Chapter 8 - On the ordinality of numbers: A review of neural and behavioral studies / I.M. Lyons, S.E. Vogel, D. Ansari
    Chapter 9 - On the instability and constraints of the interaction between number representation and spatial attention in healthy humans: A concise review of the literature and new experimental evidence / E. Fattorini, M. Pinto, S. Merola, M. D?Onofrio, F. Doricchi
    Chapter 10 - Age-related changes in strategic variations during arithmetic problem solving: The role of executive control / T. Hinault, P. Lemaire
    Chapter 11 - Subtypes and comorbidity in mathematical learning disabilities: Multidimensional study of verbal and visual memory processes is key to understanding / D. Szűcs
    Chapter 12 - Neurocognitive accounts of developmental dyscalculia and its remediation / T. Iuculano
    Chapter 13 - Approximate numerical abilities and mathematics: Insight from correlational and experimental training studies / D.C. Hyde, I. Berteletti, Y. Mou
    Chapter 14 - Brain stimulation, mathematical, and numerical training: Contribution of core and noncore skills / C.Y. Looi, R. Cohen Kadosh
    Digital Access ScienceDirect 2016
  • Article
    Donaldson A, Winsor HJ, Bennett NM, Gust ID.
    Pathology. 1977 Jan;9(1):49-56.
    A live attenuated influenza A vaccine, produced from an inhibitor-resistant recombinant strain, was administered intranasally to 46 volunteers from the Army during the southern winter of 1973. To compare the acceptibility, immunogenicity and efficacy of this vaccine, a killed subunit vaccine was administered to 20 volunteers, and an intranasal placebo to 45 others. Results indicate that the live intranasal vaccine was as well tolerated as the killed vaccine and that there was no evidence of shedding of virus from the nose in the 14 days following vaccination. Both the killed and the live vaccines stimulated the production of circulating haemagglutination-inhibition antibody, but antibody to neuraminidase was induced only by the live vaccine. No conclusions could be drawn about the efficacy of the two vaccines in producing local antibodies because these were largely undetectable by the methods used. Volunteers were followed for a 12-month period, which included the 1973 and 1974 influenza seasons, and an attempt was made to determine the virological aetiology of all their respiratory infections during this period. Epidemic influenza did not occur in thepopulation group from which these volunteers were drawn, so the comparative protection rates of the two vaccines could not be assessed.
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