Bookvolume editors, E. Beghi, G. Logroscino.
The basic structure of a randomized clinical trial / Beghi, E
Peculiarities of neurological disorders and study designs / Beghi, E., Pupillo, E. Giussani, G.
Current issues in randomized clinical trials of neurodegenerative disorders at enrollment and reporting : diagnosis, recruitment, representativeness of patients, ethnicity, and quality of reporting / Logroscino, G., Capozzo, R., Tortelli, R., Marin, B.
How to distinguish between statistically significant results and clinically relevant results / Bennett, D.A.
Modeling and prediction in neurological disorders : the biostatistical perspective / Copetti, M. Fontana, A., Pellegrini, F.
Composite scores and other outcome measures in stroke trial / Pistoia, F., Sacco, S., Ornello, R., Degan, D., Tiseo, C., Carolei, A.
Age, comorbidity, frailty in observational and analytic studies of neurological diseases / Novy, J., Sander, J.W.
Disease course, outcome measures, and prognostic predictors in epilepsy : opportunities for improving outcome of drug trials / Schmidt, D.
Assessing functional decline in neurological diseases clinical trials : duration of follow-up : the case of multiple sclerosis / Martinelli Boneschi, F., Comi, G.
Biomarkers in randomized clinical trials : magnetic resonance imaging / Whitwell, J.L.
Biomarkers in randomized clinical trials : positron emission tomography and nuclear medicine techniques / Singhal, T., Stern, E
Cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers for target engagement and efficacy in clinical trials for Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases / Parnetti, L., Eusebi, P., Lleó, A
Pharmacogenetics in neurodegenerative diseases: implications for clinical trials / Tortelli, R., Seripa, D., Panza, F., Solfrizzi, V., Logroscino, G.
Randomized trials in developing countries : different priorities and study design? / Marin, B., Agbota, G.C., Preux, P.-M., Boumédiène, F.
The right therapy for neurological disorders : from randomized trials to clinical practice : patients versus investigator expectations and needs / Bruijn, L.I., Kolb, S.
General overview, conclusions, and future directions / Beghi, E., Logroscino, G.