Book[edited by] Howard W. Jones, John A. Rock.
Operative gynecology before the era of laparoscopy: a brief history
The ethics of pelvic surgery
Psychological aspects of pelvic surgery
Risk prevention, risk management, and professional liability
The changing environment in which we practice gynecologic surgery
Training the gynecologic surgeon: maintaining and improving surgical skills
Surgical anatomy of the female pelvis
Preoperative care of the gynecologic patient
Postanesthesia and postoperative care
Water, electrolyte, and acid-base metabolism
Postoperative infections: prevention and management
Shock in the gynecologic patient
Wound healing suture material, and surgical instrumentation
Incisions for gynecologic surgery
Principles of electrosurgery and laser energy applied to gynecologic surgery
Diagnostic and operative laparoscopy
Robotic surgery
Operative hysteroscopy
Control of pelvic hemorrhage
The impact of assisted reproductive technology on gynecologic surgery
Reconstructive tubal surgery
Surgical conditions of the vulva
Surgical conditions of the vagina and urethra
Surgery for anomalies of the müllerian ducts
Normal and abnormal uterine bleeding
Tubal sterilization
Surgery of benign disease of the ovary
Persistent or chronic pelvic pain
Pelvic inflammatory disease
Leiomyomata uteri and myomectomy
Abdominal hysterectomy
Vaginal hysterectomy
Laparoscopic hysterectomy
Management of abortion
Ectopic pregnancy
Surgical management of obstetric complications
Ovarian tumors complicating pregnancy
Pelvic organ prolapse: basic principles
Reconstruction of the anterior vagina for prolapse
Posterior compartment defects
Vaginal vault prolapse
Nonsurgical management of pelvic organ prolapse: the use of vaginal pessaries and pelvic floor muscle training
Stress urinary incontinence
Operative injuries to the ureter
Vesicovaginal and urethrovaginal fistulas
Anal incontinence and rectovaginal fistula
Diseases of the breast
The verminform appendix in relation to gynecology
Intestinal surgery for the gynecologic surgeon
Nongynecologic conditions encountered by the gynecologic surgeon
Malignancies of the vulva
Cervical cancer precursors and their management
Cancer of the cervix
Endometerial cancer
Ovarian cancer
Pelvic extenteration
Surgical reconstruction of the pelvis in gynecologic cancer patients.