BookStelios Stylianidis, editor.
A Brief History of Social Psychiatry
Psychiatric Epidemiology and its Applications in Social Psychiatry
Global Mental Health
Psychiatric Reform in Europe
Psychiatric Reform in Greece
Psychoanalysis and public psychiatric care
Mental Health Promotion: good practice in community settings
Social Exclusion and Mental Health in Metropolitan Athens
Psychosocial Rehabilitation and the Recovery Model: Applications in residential units in the community
Mobile Mental Health Units in the Cyclades Islands: Mental Health Care for Adults
Mobile Mental Health Units in the Cyclades Islands: Mental Health Care for Children and Adolescents
A Modern Day Care Centre in Athens
ACT and Home Care
Counselling and Psychodynamic Psychotherapy in community settings
Mental Health Care of itinerant populations in the community
Modern Technologies and Social Psychiatry
Domestic Violence and Mental Health Services in the community: Management and Evaluation
Sexuality in individuals with severe mental illness at PSR units
Evaluating Social Psychiatry Services
Implications of the Socioeconomic Crisis for Staff in Community PSR units: the case of an NGO
Staff Evaluation and Organizational Culture in Mental Health Units
Participation and Empowerment of Users and Families
Involuntary Hospitalization: Legal context, Epidemiology and Outcome
Mental Health and the Financial Crisis.