Bookedited by Peter Byrne, Alan Rosen.
Machine generated contents note: List of contributors
Part I: The Rationale for Early Intervention in Nearly Everything
1 Introduction
2 How Early Intervention can turn things upside down and turn a patient into a psychiatrist
3 Involving the Family in Early Interventions
4 Do Early Intervention Services for Psychosis Represent Value for Money?
Part II: Early Intervention across the Lifespan
5 Perinatal preventive interventions in psychiatry: A clinical perspective
6 Psychiatry and Intervention in Infancy and Early Childhood
7 Early Intervention for young people with mental illness
8 Transiting out of Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services
9 Adults of working age
10 Early Intervention in Older Adults
A focus on Alzheimer's Dementia
Part III: Early Intervention in Specific Settings
11 Primary prevention of mental disorders
12 Early intervention in mental health problems: the role of the voluntary sector
13 Why primary care matters for early intervention in psychiatry
14 General hospitals
15 Early Intervention Services: Background, rationale and development
Part IV: Early Intervention in Specific Disorders
16 Prevention and early intervention in depression and anxiety disorders
17 Alcohol and substance use prevention and early intervention
18 Early intervention in childhood disorders
19 Early intervention for Delirium
20 Early intervention for Self-harm
21 Early intervention in Bipolar disorder
22 Early intervention in Eating disorders
23 Early intervention to reduce violence and offending outcomes in young people with mental disorders
24 Early intervention for Borderline Personality Disorder
Part V: Conclusions
25 Early intervention and The Power of Social Movements: UK development of early intervention in psychosis as a social movement and its implications for leadership
26 Challenging stigma
27 Conclusions including standards