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  • Book
    volume editors, Anita Riecher-Rössler, Patrick D. McGorry.
    Overview. Early detection of psychosis: state of the art and future perspectives
    Early intervention in emerging psychosis: state of the art and future perspectives
    Early detection of psychosis: clinical assessments. First signs of emerging psychosis
    Psychosis high-risk states in adolescents
    The psychosis high-risk state
    Early detection of psychosis: helpful or stigmatizing experience for those concerned?
    Early detection of psychosis: neuroimaging. Structural and functional MRI in the prediction of psychosis
    Pattern recognition methods in the prediction of psychosis
    Connectivity abnormalities in emerging psychosis
    Early detection of psychosis: neurocognitive and neurophysiological assessments. Neurocognition and motor functioning in the prediction of psychosis
    Electroencephalographic predictors of psychosis
    Early intervention in emerging psychosis. Psychological methods of early intervention in emerging psychosis
    Nonpharmalogical substances for early intervention
    Pharmacological intervention in first-episode psychosis
    Conclusions and future perspectives. early detection and intervention in psychosis.
    Digital Access Karger 2016