BookTohru Asai, Masami Ochi, Hitoshi Yokoyama, editors.
1. OPCAB made in Japan, evidence on off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting from Japan
2. Statistics of OPCAB in Japan
3. Evidence in OPCAB, critical appraisal of recent RCT based on CABG in Japen
4. Indication and safe strategy
5. Approach
6. Intraoperative management and anesthesia
7. Controversy, volume load vs. vasopressor
8. Urgent pump conversion, when does it occur and how can we prevent it?
9. Exposure
10. Stabilization
11. Securing the distal anastomosis site, coronary artery occlusion, shunt, and blower
12. Graft planning
13. Controversy, composite grafts versus individual grafts
14. Harvesting, tip and pitfalls
15. Graft-coronary anastomosis in off-pump CABG
16. Coronary endarterectomy and long onlay-patch grafting
17. OPCAB proximal
18. Intraoperative graft assessment OPCAB made in Japan
19. Stroke
20. Patient management OPCAB
21. Redo operation
22. Combined surgery (TAA, AAA, or cancer) concomitant or staged surgeries?
23. Difficult heart
24. Difficult corionary OPCAB made in Japan
25. Off-pump CABG for patients with end-stage renal failure
26. How do we teach off-pump surgery to the next generation?
27. Hybrid approach (OPCAB+PCI/TAVI/Ddebranching TEVAR)
28. Robotic surgery
29. OPCAB combined regenerative surgery