BookEllen Hsu, Louis Du Pasquier.
Evolution of immunity and pathogens
A host-pathogen interaction reduced to first principles: Antigenic variation in T. brucei
Antigenic variation in Plasmodium falciparum
Polymorphic mucin-like proteins in Schistosoma mansoni, a variable antigen and a key component of the compatibility between the schistosome and its snail host
Fibrinogen-related proteins (FREP) in mollusks
Somatic and germline diversification of a putative immunoreceptor within one phylum: Dscam in arthropods
An immune effector system in the Protochordate gut sheds light on fundamental aspects of vertebrate immunity
Variable lymphocyte receptors: a current view
Antibody repertoire in fish
Unique features of fish immune repertoires: particularities of the adaptive immunity within the largest group of vertebrates
The evolution and structure of atypical T cell receptors
Diversification of the primary antibody repertoire by AID-mediated gene conversion
Antibody isotype switching in vertebrates.
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