BookSusan Bridges, Lap Ki Chan, Cindy E. Hmelo-Silver, editors.
How can e-learning support PBL groups? A systematic literature review
How do students use their mobile devices in PBL?
Are Wikipedia articles and YouTube videos reliable resources in problem-based learning curricula
Peeking behind the curtain of PBL learning processes: An ethnographic study among medical students
Video as context and conduit for problem-based learning
PBL facilitation with interactive whiteboards: An interactional ethnography
E-learning for e-health: Improving concepts to improve curriculum
The deteriorating patient Smartphone app: Serious game design
Mobile just-in-time situated learning resources for surgical clerkships
Utilising mobile electronic health records in clinical education
EEG and dental simulators indicate skill-learning pathways
Impact of haptic simulation on dental student performance
Opportunities of a virtual reality training environment in dental education
Measuring emotions in medicine: Methodological and technological advances within authentic medical learning environments.