Bookedited by Mark A. Suckow, University of Notre Dame, Office of Research Notre Dame, IN, USA ; Bill J. Yates, University of Pittsburgh, Department of Otolaryngology Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
Ch. 1. Human subjects research protections
Ch. 2. Investigational new drug and device exemption process
Ch. 3. The institutional animal care and use committee
Ch. 4. Biological hazards and select agents
Ch. 5. Radiological hazards and lasers
Ch. 6. Controlled substances: maintaining institutional compliance
Ch. 7. Export controls and US research universities
Ch. 8. Data management and research integrity
Ch. 9. Intellectual property
Ch. 10. Financial conflicts of interest in research
Ch. 11. Good laboratory practices (GLPs)
Ch. 12. Human embryonic stem cell research oversight: a confluence of voluntary self-regulation and shifting policy initiatives