Bookedited by Frederic Devaux.
Using RNA-seq for analysis of differential gene expression in fungal species / Can Wang ... [et al.]
Enhancing structural annotation of yeast genomes with RNA-Seq data / Hugo Devillers, Nicolas Morin, and Cécile Neuvéglise
Pathogen gene expression profiling during infection using a nanostring nCounter platform / Wenjie Xu ... [et al.]
Comparative transcriptomics in yeasts / Dawn A. Thompson
Mapping the transcriptome-wide landscape of RBP binding sites using gPAR-CLIP-seq : experimental procedures / Ting Han and John K. Kim
Mapping the transcriptome-wide landscape of RBP binding sites using gPAR-CLIP-seq : bioinformatic analysis / Mallory A. Freeberg and John K. Kim
Translation analysis at the genome scale by ribosome profiling / Agnès Baudin-Baillieu ... [et al. ]
Biotin-genomic run-on (Bio-GRO) : a high-resolution method for the analysis of nascent transcription in yeast / Antonio Jordán-Pla ... [et al.]
Genome-wide probing of RNA structures in vitro using nucleases and deep sequencing / Yue Wan ... [et al.]
Genome-wide chromatin immunoprecipitation in Candida albicans and other yeasts / Matthew B. Lohse [et al.]
ChIPseq in yeast species : from chromatin immunoprecipitation to high-throughput sequencing and bioinformatics data analyses / Gaëlle Lelandais, Corinne Blugeon, and Jawad Merhej
Systematic determination of transcription factor DNA- binding specificities in yeast / Lourdes Peña-Castillo and Gwenael Badis
Generation and analysis of chromosomal contact maps of yeast species / Axel Cournac ... [et al.]
Versatile procedure to generate genome-wide spatiotemporal program of replication in yeast species / Nicolas Agier and Gilles Fischer
Single-step affinity purification (ssAP) and mass spectrometry of macromolecular complexes in the yeast S. cerevisiae / Christian Trahan, Lisbeth-Carolina Aguilar, and Marlene Oeffinger
Label-free quantitative proteomics in yeast / Thibaut Léger ... [et al.]
Profiling of yeast lipids by shotgun lipidomics / Christian Klose and Kirill Tarasov
Identification of links between cellular pathways by genetic interaction mapping (GIM) / Christophe Malabat and Cosmin Saveanu
On the mapping of epistatic genetic interactions in natural isolates : combining classical genetics and genomics / Jing Hou and Joseph Schacherer
Experimental evolution and resequencing analysis of yeast / Celia Payen and Maitreya J. Dunham
Reconstruction and analysis of the evolution of modular transcriptional regulatory programs using arboretum / Sara A. Knaack, Dawn A. Thompson, and Sushmita Roy
Predicting gene and genomic regulation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, using the YEASTRACT database : a step-by-step guided analysis / Miguel C. Teixeira, Pedro T. Monteiro, and Isabel Sá-Correia.