Bookedited by Albert C. Shaw.
Isolation of lipid rafts from human neutrophils by density gradient centrifugation / Carl Fortin and Tamas Fülöp
Flow cytometry analysis of NK cell phenotype and function in aging / Raquel Tarazona ... [et al.]
Flow cytometric identification of fibrocytes in the human circulation / Xinyuan Hu, Erin M. DeBiasi, and Erica L. Herzog
Experimental approaches to tissue injury and repair in advanced age / Aleah L. Brubaker, Stewart R. Carter, and Elizabeth J. Kovacs
Multicolor digital flow cytometry in human translational immunology / Samit R. Joshi, Subhasis Mohanty, and Albert C. Shaw
Flow cytometry-based methods to characterize immune senescence in nonhuman primates / Christine Meyer ... [et al.]
Multiparameter phenotyping of human PBMCs using mass cytometry / Michael D. Leipold, Evan W. Newell, and Holden T. Maecker
Imaging immunosenescence / Feng Qian and Ruth R. Montgomery
Activation-induced cytidine deaminase and switched memory B cells as predictors of effective in vivo responses to the influenza vaccine / Daniela Frasca, Alain Diaz, and Bonnie B. Blomberg
Analyzing the effect of aging on CD8+ T-cell phenotype using flow cytometry / Min Sun Shin and Insoo Kang
Cell-mediated immune response to influenza using ex vivo stimulation and assays of cytokine and granzyme B responses / Janet E. McElhaney and Beth Gentleman
Assays for monitoring macroautophagy activity in T cells / Yair Botbol and Fernando Macian
Fluorescence-based approaches for quantitative assessment of protein carbonylation, protein disulfides, and protein conformation in biological tissues / Asish R. Chaudhuri ... [et al.]
Monitoring the DNA damage response at dysfunctional telomeres / Rekha Rai and Sandy Chang
Single-cell analysis of T-cell receptor Αβ repertoire / Pradyot Dash, George C. Wang, and Paul G. Thomas
Assessment of B cell repertoire in humans / Yu-Chang Wu, David Kipling, and Deborah Dunn-Walters
Laboratory and data analysis methods for characterization of human B cell repertoires by high-throughput DNA sequencing / Chen Wang ... [et al.]
Discovery of novel microRNAs in aging Caenorhabditis elegans / Alexandre de Lencastre and Frank Slack
Analysis of DNA methylation by pyrosequencing / Colin Delaney, Sanjay K. Garg, and Raymond Yung.