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  • Book
    edited by Avraham Rasooly, Keith E. Herold.
    Mobile device for disease diagnosis and data tracking in resource-limited settings
    Microfluidic devices for nucleic acid (NA) isolation, isothermal NA amplification, and real-time detection
    Mobile based gold nanoprobe TB diagnostics for point-of-need
    Immunofluorescence microtip sensor for point-of-care tuberculosis (TB) diagnosis
    Improving lateral-flow immunoassay (LFIA) diagnostics via biomarker enrichment for mHealth
    Microfluidic toner-based analytical devices: Disposable, lightweight, and portable platforms for point-of-care diagnostics with colorimetric detection
    Detection of protein biomarker using a blood glucose meter
    Microchip ELISA coupled with cell phone to detect ovarian cancer HE4 biomarker in urine
    Point-of-care rare cell cancer diagnostics
    Mobile flow cytometer for mHealth
    Mobile fiber-optic sensor for detection of oral and cervical cancer in the developing world
    Opto-fluidics based microscopy and flow cytometry on a cell phone for blood analysis
    Optofluidic device for label-free cell classification from whole blood
    A wearable sensing system for assessment of exposures to environmental volatile organic compounds
    Quantitative point-of-care (POC) assays using measurements of time as the readout: A new type of readout for mHealth
    Smartphone-based fluorescence detector for mHealth
    Two-layer lab-on-a-chip (LOC) with passive capillary valves for mHealth medical diagnostics
    Spectrometry with consumer-quality CMOS cameras
    Mobile phone based electrochemiluminescence detection in paper-based microfluidic sensors
    iStethoscope: A demonstration of the use of mobile devices for auscultation
    iPhysiometer: A smartphone photoplethysmograph for measuring various physiological indices
    Smartphone attachment for stethoscope recording
    Use of smartphones and portable media devices for quantifying human movement characteristics of gait, tendon reflex response, and Parkinson's disease hand tremor
    Measuring tremor with a smartphone
    The use of single-electrode wireless EEG in biobehavioral investigations
    Smartphone based monitoring system for long-term sleep assessment
    Intracranial ventricular catheter placement with a smartphone assisted instrument
    High-resolution microendoscope for the detection of cervical neoplasia
    Skin lesions image analysis utilizing smartphones and cloud platforms
    Melanoma and other skin lesion detection using smart handheld devices.
    Digital Access Springer 2015