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  • Book
    edited by Gordon G. Carmichael.
    Diverse functions and mechanisms of mammalian long noncoding RNAs
    Sequence-defined oligoaminoamides for the delivery of siRNAs
    A biochemical approach to identify direct microRNA targets
    Native gel analysis for mammalian microRNPs assembled from pre-microRNAs
    Identification and validation of miRNA target sites within nontraditional miRNA targets
    Fractionation of non-polyadenylated and ribosomal-free RNAs from mammalian cells
    Affinity purification of long noncoding RNA-protein complexes from formaldehyde cross-linked mammalian cells
    RNA pulldown protocol for in vitro detection and identification of RNA-associated proteins
    nRIP-seq: A technique to identify RNA targets of an RNA binding protein on a genome-wide scale
    Analysis of the subcellular distribution of RNA by fluorescence in situ hybridization
    RNA fluorescence in situ hybridization in cultured mammalian cells
    Locating RNAs in situ with FISH-STIC probes
    Rapid and efficient elimination of specific nuclear noncoding RNAs in mammalian cells with antisense oligonucleotides
    On using magnesium and potassium ions in RNA experiments
    Studying the affinity, kinetic stability, and specificity of RNA/protein interactions: SINE ncRNA/Pol II complexes as a model system
    Digital Access Springer 2014
  • Article
    Szénásy J, Paraicz E.
    Acta Paediatr Acad Sci Hung. 1979;20(4):343-9.
    Digital Access Access Options