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  • Book
    Feridoun Karimi-Busheri, editor.
    1. Integration, networking, and global biobanking in the age of new biology
    2. The future of biobanking: a conceptual look at how biobanks can respond to the growing human biospecimen needs of researchers
    3. Sustainability of biobanks in the future
    4. Biobanking: the future of cell preservation strategies
    5. Biobanking for personalized medicine
    6. A global view of breast tissue banking
    7. Biobanking of cerebrospinal fluid for biomarker analysis in neurological diseases
    8. Biobanking in the twenty-first century: driving population metrics into biobanking quality
    9. Challenges in developing a cancer oriented-biobank: experience from a 17 year-old cancer biobank in Sao Paulo, Brazil
    10. China biobanking
    11. Establishing an iso-compliant modern cancer-biobank in a developing country: a model for international cooperation
    12. Nursing and biobanking
    13. A data-centric strategy for modern biobanking
    14. The importance of quality patient advocacy to biobanks: a lay perspective from Independent Cancer Patients Voice (ICPV), based in United Kingdom
    Digital Access Springer 2015