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  • Book
    Chunlin Hou, Shimin Chang, Jian Lin, Dajiang Song.
    A brief history of perforator flaps
    Anatomy, classification and nomenclature
    Intra-operative techniques in perforator dissection
    Pedicled perforator flaps
    Combined perforator flaps
    Thinned perforator flaps
    Flow-through perforator flaps
    Lateral Arm Perforator Flap
    Medial arm perforator flap
    Radial Artery Perforator Flap
    Ulnar Artery Perforator Flap
    posterior interosseous artery perforator flap
    Posterolateral mid-forearm perforator flap
    Dorsal Metacarpal Artery Perforator Flaps
    Dorso-ulnar metacarpal perforator flap of the little finger
    Digital artery perforator flap
    Perforator flaps in the lateral thoracic region
    Deep inferior epigastric artery perforator (DIEP) flap
    Anterolateral thigh perforator flap
    Vastus medialis perforator flap
    Saphenous artery perforator flap
    Posterior thigh perforator flap
    Anterior tibial artery perforator flap
    Posterior tibial artery perforator flap
    Peroneal artery perforator flap
    Medial sural artery perforator flap
    Peroneal artery anterolateral supramalleolar flap
    Anterior supramalleolar perforator flap
    Medial supramalleolar perforator flap
    Dorsal metatarsal artery perforator flap.
    Digital Access Springer 2015