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  • Book
    Ajay Bhalla, Jonathan Birns, editors.
    Summary: This book highlights the underlying importance of post-stroke complications during recovery, allowing healthcare professionals managing stroke patients to understand their frequency and identify which patients are at risk of developing such complications. Complications are categorised into neurological and non-neurological, and the time-frame for these complications both in the short-term and long-term are discussed. The common practices in managing post-stroke complications and the skills required in their prevention are described, as is the evidence base from clinical trials around their management. The book concludes with a discussion of new developments and research priorities for the future. Management of Post-Stroke Complications is aimed at members of the multidisciplinary stroke team, stroke physicians, neurologists, general practitioners, stroke specialists in training, and medical students.

    Early Neurological Deterioration
    Post-Stroke Cardiac Complications
    Post-Stroke Seizures
    Infections After Stroke
    Venous Thromboembolism
    Swallowing and Nutritional Complications
    Urinary and Bowel Complications
    Positioning and Pressure Care
    Management of Spasticity
    Falls and Osteoporosis Post-Stroke
    Post-Stroke Cognitive Impairment
    Post-Stroke Pain
    Post-Stroke Fatigue: Common But Poorly Understood
    Mental Consequences Of Stroke
    Future Developments.
    Digital Access Springer 2015