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  • Book
    Clifford P. Shearman, editor.
    Summary: This book explores the challenges of treating foot complications associated with diabetes,℗ℓ a major challenge for societies the world over. Authors include experienced podiatrists, nurses and doctors,℗ℓ all of whom℗ℓ work in the field of diabetes foot care. The book is divided into prevention and early management, management of major complications, prevention of recurrence and how to structure a team.℗ℓ In each area, the authors describe their practical experiences and discuss how they have addressed clinical challenges. Management of Diabetic Foot Complications provides useful information for anyone responsible for the care of people with diabetes who may be at risk of developing foot complications.

    1. Epidemiology
    Numbers, outcomes, change in demographics, cost
    2. Athophysiology of foot in diabetes ? Neuropathy, effects on circulation, infections
    3. Underlying causes of foot complications of diabetes
    4. Infection and antibiotics
    5. Early recognition of the foot at risk and prevention
    6. Foot wear, orthotics and prosthetics
    7. Diabetic Foot Protection Teams: the role of multidisciplinary team
    8. Treatment of foot complications both in the community and secondary care
    9. Principles of Emergency treatment
    10. Management of arterial disease and re-vascularisation in diabetes
    11. Management of neuropathy and Charcots neuroarthropathy
    12. Wound treatment
    13. The role of foot surgery
    14. Amputation
    when and how
    15. Rehabilitation and treatment to avoid further problems.
    Digital Access Springer 2015