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    Götz Penkert, Josef Böhm, Thomas Schelle.
    Summary: Every neurosurgeon as well as many surgeons in other disciplines, including plastic and orthopedic surgeons, may unexpectedly be confronted with an entrapment syndrome or a nerve trauma. With a view to preventing costly transfers to expert clinics, this manual for practitioners offers optimized step-by-step figures illustrating how best to approach every relevant nerve lesion. Clear advice is also provided on differential diagnosis from inflammatory neuropathies, which will assist in avoiding false indications for surgery. This is a true manual for practitioners that offers excellent guidance for all surgeons while in the operating theater.

    Principles of Macroscopic and Microscopic Anatomy of Peripheral Nerves
    egrees of Nerve Lesion
    Types of Tissue Reaction Following Nerve Lesion
    Clinical Presentation of Nerve Lesion
    Different Types of Pain Following Nerve Lesion
    Principles of Neurophysiologic Diagnosis
    Imaging of Peripheral Nerves
    Magnetic Resonance Imaging.-Principles of Nerve Surgery
    Neurolysis Steps
    Grafting Following Nerve Trauma
    Nerve Entrapment at Shoulder and Arm
    Spinal Accessory Nerve
    Brachial Plexus, Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
    Suprascapular Nerve
    Axillary (Circumflex) Nerve
    Radial Nerve at Upper Arm
    Radial Nerve at Lower Arm
    Posterior Interosseous Nerve Entrapment
    Superficial Radial Nerve Entrapment
    Median Nerve at Elbow
    Median Nerve at Lower Arm
    Anterior Interosseous Nerve Entrapment
    Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
    Ulnar Nerve at Elbow
    Ulnar Nerve at Lower Arm
    Guyon?s Loge Syndrome
    Deep Ulnar Branch Entrapment
    Nerve Entrapment at Trunk and Leg
    Genitofemoral, Ilioinguinal, Iliohypogastric Nerve
    Femoral Cutaneous Nerve
    Obturator Nerve
    Saphenous Nerve
    Infrapatellar Branch of Saphenous Nerve
    Pudendal Nerve
    Sciatic Nerve, Piriformis Syndrome
    Fibular Nerve at Knee Joint
    Fibular Nerve at Ankle, Anterior Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome
    Tibial Nerve
    Tibial Nerve at Ankle, Posterior Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome
    Tibial Nerve at Sole, Morton?s Metatarsalgia
    Non Mechanical Focal Neuropathies
    Parsonage Turner Syndrome
    Multifocal Motorical Neuropathy
    Hereditary Multifocal Neuropathy
    Lewis-Summer-Syndrome (CIDP)
    Immune Vasculitis with Focal Neuropathy. .
    Digital Access Springer 2015