BookBarbara Young, Geraldine O'Dowd, Phillip Woodford.
Summary: Take a simple approach to understanding the fundamentals with Wheater's Functional Histology. Offering concise text accompanied by hundreds of captions and images of histology slides, this best-selling textbook will equip you with all the must-know histology information you need to complete your courses and ace your exams. Recognize the microscopic structure of normal human tissues and how it relates to function with the help of over 900 high-quality histology images and illustrations.Master how to apply histology in a clinical context through coverage of common clinical conditions in each chapter.Access the entire contents online at Student Consult, including all of the images, a virtual histolab, and USMLE-style self-assessment questions and rationales.
Cell structure and function
Cell cycle and replication
Blood, haematopoiesis and bone marrow
Supporting/connective tissues
Epithelial tissues
Nervous tissues
Circulatory system
Skeletal tissues
Immune system
Respiratory system
Oral tissues
Gastrointestinal tract
Liver and pancreas
Urinary system
Endocrine system
Male reproductive system
Female reproductive system
Central nervous system
Special sense organs.