BookKlaus A. Miczek, Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg, editors.
Neurogenetics of Aggressive Behavior
Studies in Rodents
Neurogenetics of Aggressive Behavior
Studies in Primates
Glucocorticoids and Escalated Aggressive Behavior.-Models of Female Aggression
Prefrontal Cortex.-Nitric Oxide, Serotonin and Aggression
Hypothalamus and Aggressive Behavior
Vasopressin-Serotonin Interactions in Aggressive Behavior
Dopamine-oxytocin: Attachment and Conflict
Stress and violence.-Gene-environment interactions and violence.-MAO-A and genetic risk for violence
The development of violent behavior in humans
Schizophrenia and violence.-Psychopathy
Violent and callous behavior in children
Aggression in Children and Adolescents-Alcohol and Aggression.