BookNupur Gupta, Brett D. Nelson, Jennifer Kasper, Patricia L. Hibberd, editors.
Summary: TheMassGeneral Hospital for Children Handbook of Pediatric Global Health is a concise resource for the ever-increasing number of health professionals involved in global health, many of whom spend a few weeks to months or even years providing medical care in resource-poor countries. This Handbook provides practical, evidence-based, hands-on guidance for managing and preventing childhood illnesses when resources are limited in low- and middle-income countries. It also offers a setting-specific understanding and management approaches to the major causes of childhood mortality, including pneumonia, diarrhea, birth asphyxia, complications of preterm birth, and neonatal sepsis. The Handbook providesan overview of childhood mortality, health systems, and the various stakeholders that play a role in the global health arena, and also contains chapters focusing on adolescents who are increasingly recognized as a unique population in whom interventions can go a long way in bothconsolidatingthe gains made in childhood and preventing adult disease. Finally, key topics in non-communicable diseases are covered, including trauma and injuries, pediatric mental health, child and adolescent rights, and oral health. Not meant solely for pediatricians, the Handbookis designed for generalists, specialists, doctors, nurses, other health care workers, and those in training. An indispensable reference for health professionals overseas, theHandbookwill also be a useful addition and resource for academic centers and universities in industrialized nations that are creating courses for trainees who will do clinical electives abroad during their training. .
Overview of pediatric global health
Child mortality in developing countries
Stakeholders and approaches to address pediatric global health
Global health systems
Vulnerability of children in developing countries and disrupted settings
Fundamentals of pediatric care in resource-limited settings
Newborn health
Maternal health
Preventive newborn care
Newborn resuscitation
Neonatal infection
Adolescent health
Adolescent global health
Adolescent preventative and clinical care: a checklist
Sexually transmitted infections in adolescents
Contraceptive options for adolescents
Communicable diseases
Acute respiratory infections
Diarrheal illnesses
Parasitic diseases
Vaccine-preventable diseases
Non-communicable diseases
Micronutrient deficiencies
Emergencyu pediatric care in resource-limited settings
Child and adolescent mental health
Child and adolescent health and human rights
Pediatric preventive and clinical oral health care
Neurological issues and epilepsy in children and adolescents in the developing world
Care of the child immigrant
Appendix A: WHO integrated management of childhood illness for high HIV settings
Appendix B: WHO growth charts head circumference boys
Appendix C: WHO growth charts head circumference for girls
Appendix D: WHO growth charts weight for age boys 0-5
Appendix E: WHO growth charts weight for age girst 0-5
Appendix F: WHO growth charts weight for height boys 2-5
Appendix G: WHO growth charts weight for height girls 0-5
Appendix H: WHO growth charts weight for length boys 0-2
Appendix I: WHO grow charts weight for length girls 0-2
Appendix J: Essential medications for RLS
Appendix K: GAPS monograph
Appendix L: GAPS periodic questionnaire
Appendix M: WHO immunization routine lifespan vaccinations
Appendix N: WHO routine immunization children
Appendix O: WHO delayed routrine immunization.