Book[edited by] Farhood Saremi ; associate editors, Dakshesh B. Patel, Damián Sánchez-Quintana, Hiro Kiyosue, Meng Law, R. Shane Tubbs.
Summary: "The text is supported by high-quality cross-sectional images with correlative three-dimensional and color-coded CT and MR views. Up-to-date references are used to support the text. Many new topics in radiology and surgery have been gathered from the recent 10-year literature. Surgical and clinical applications in each anatomy topic are presented with relevant images. In order to make each topic understandable, difficult anatomical concepts are supported by sketches as well as cross-sectional and topographic cadaveric views provided by internationally known anatomists. Superb cadaveric views are provided by Professors Damián Sánchez-Quintana, R. Shane Tubbs, and the late Professor Albert L. Rhoton Jr. Images of high-resolution axial cadaveric cuts have been provided by the University of Auckland, New Zealand, thanks to efforts of Professor Ali Mirjalili." -- portion of preface by Farhood Saremi
Imaging Anatomy
1 Bones, Muscles, Tendons, Joints and Cartilage
2 Upper Extremity Bones: Shoulder Girdle, Arm and Forearm
3 Muscles of Shoulder Girdle, Arm and Forearm
4 Upper Extremity Arteries
5 Upper Extremity and Shoulder Venous System
6 Brachial Plexus and Its Branches
7 Lymphatic System of the Upper Extremity
8 Lower Extremity Bones: Pelvis, Femur, Tibia, Fibula
9 Lower Extremity Muscles: Pelvic Girdle, Thigh and Leg
10 Accessory Muscles
11 Lower Extremity Arteries; 12 Lower Extremity and Pelvic Venous System
13 Lower Extremity Nerves
14 Lymphatics of the Lower Extremities
15 Anatomy of the Shoulder Joint
16 Elbow Joint
17 Wrist
18 Hand
19 Sacrum, Coccyx and Sacroiliac Joints
20 Hip
21 Knee
22 Ankle
23 Foot
24 Temporomandibular Joint