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  • Book
    editors, Timothy R. Shope, Andrew N. Hashikawa.
    Summary: This guide provides child care directors, teachers, and caregivers with essential information on infectious diseases in group care settings. It includes a robust section of more than 55 quick reference fact sheets on common infectious diseases and symptoms. Additionally, it includes forms that can be photocopied and used with families. As always, the reference is easy to use, providing clear, authoritative information on infectious diseases.

    Overview of Managing Infectious Diseases in Child Care and Schools
    Reduce the Risk of Infection: Practice Prevention
    Health of Educators and Other Staff Members
    Recognizing the Ill Child: Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria
    Signs and Symptoms Chart
    Quick Reference Sheet
    Emergencies and Disasters: Infectious Disease Outbreaks, Epidemics, Pandemics, and Bioterrorism
    Sample Letters, Forms, and Relevant Resources.
    Digital Access AAP ebooks [2023]